The Weirdest Things Recyclers Have Received Instead of Phones
When people trade in their phones for cash, recyclers expect to receive, well… phones. But sometimes, things don’t go quite as planned. From household appliances to lost dentures, mobile recyclers across the UK have received some truly bizarre items instead of the latest iPhones and Samsungs. Let’s take a look at some of the funniest and most unusual trade-in mistakes.
1. The Oldest iPhone? Nope, Just a Toaster
One recycler opened a package expecting a shiny new iPhone 12, only to find a used toaster. Maybe the sender thought it was the latest model with a hot new feature? Either way, that’s one trade-in that’s unlikely to make it through quality checks.
2. A Brick… Not a Nokia One
We all joke about old Nokia phones being "indestructible bricks," but one unfortunate recycler actually received a real brick. No charger, no SIM card—just a big lump of concrete in a jiffy bag. Imagine their excitement opening that one.
3. A TV Remote (Because That’s Basically a Phone, Right?)
In today’s world of smart TVs, it’s understandable that someone might confuse their remote for a high-tech gadget. But unfortunately, a remote control from the 1990s with missing buttons doesn’t quite qualify as a trade-in.
4. False Teeth – Not the Call We Were Expecting
Yes, you read that correctly. One recycling centre received a set of false teeth instead of a mobile phone. Did the owner accidentally post their dentures while trying to pack up their old Nokia? We may never know, but we do hope they got their priorities straight before dinner.
5. A Single Shoe (No Sole Connection)
One unlucky recycler received a single shoe instead of a smartphone. Not a pair—just one. Maybe someone misunderstood the idea of a "pairing" feature? Sadly, Bluetooth won’t fix this mix-up.
6. A Frozen Sausage – The Most Bizarre Trade-In Ever
Arguably the weirdest of all, one package contained a single frozen sausage. No explanation, no context, just a sad, icy sausage. Needless to say, it wasn’t eligible for any trade-in value, though we hope it at least found its way into a decent breakfast.
Sell Your Old Phone (Not Your Kitchen Appliances!)
Thinking of trading in your old phone? Make sure you send the right device! Use our sell my phone comparison tool to compare trade-in offers and get the best price for your actual phone—not your toaster.
If you're upgrading from an iPhone 12, check out sell my iPhone 12 for the best trade-in deals.
Phone recycling is a great way to make some extra cash and help the environment, but let’s keep it to actual phones. If you’re thinking of upgrading, don’t forget to sell your phone and not your household appliances!